Statement of Faith
The following 12 statements of faith are designed not to impose a set of beliefs on the members of the church, but rather to provide doctrinal guidelines for consistent teaching of the Scriptures. Those who teach either children or adults, including those who serve in the capacity of elders, will be asked to adhere to these guidelines in their teaching.
The Board of Elders is currently in a review process of the church constitution and faith statement. They feel it necessary as this has not been done since the inception of the church.
1. We believe the scriptures (both Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of man, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith, life and conduct.
2. We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe Jesus Christ, without any change in His eternal deity, became man through conception by the Holy Spirit and virgin birth, that He died on the cross, a perfect and complete sacrifice, in our stead and for our sins according to the scriptures. He arose from the bodily dead, and ascended into heaven where at right hand of God the Father, He is now our High Priest and advocate.
4. We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. His present ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and during this age to convict sin, and to regenerate the sinner, and at the moment of salvation to enter the believer, thereby identifying him with the body of Christ, sealing him and becoming his guarantee from God, indwelling, guiding, instructing, filling and empowering the believer for godly living and service.
5. We believe in the reality and personality of angels, both good and fallen, including Satan, the enemy of God and man, but whose ultimate doom is sure.
6. We believe man was directly created by God in his own image, but deliberately fell into sin. The entire human race is therefore lost, being guilty before God and everlastingly condemned, apart from Christ.
7. We believe the atoning death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection, provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe and that only such as personally receive Jesus Christ by faith are born of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God.
8. We believe that the universal Church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the body of Christ, of which He is the head, and that God has ordained the local church to be the visible representation of the universal Church and intends for her to express the glory of God through evangelization of the unbelieving world and the edification of the Saints.
9. We believe in the imminent, personal pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive His universal Church to Himself.
10. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all of the dead, of the believers to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord, and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.
11. We believe that water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by believers in obedience to Christ during this present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means to salvation.
If you have any questions, please contact the church. A pastor would love to walk through our Faith Statement with you.